Monday, December 22, 2008

I am waiting to hear jingle bells.......

I love the sound of horse bells...... I sure wish a magical one would take us out to the barn LOL, we got another 3-4 inches of snow last night.

A lot more snow than yesterday, at least the wind has quit. There us probably 8 inches or so across the yard, hard to tell for sure, the wind drifted a lot of it.

Gotta love Meghans fashion! Luxor came out with us this morning.

Jessie and Luxor playing in the snow.

"And where is breakfast? oh human?" This is boss mare Mickey.

"I am going to hide out here until the humans go away" Easy she has to leave the stall every time she feels the least bit of pressure. Love the swirls, arent two together supposed to be a more difficult personality? She is that LOL I notice that Emma only has one and Mickey has two down low and one up high, didnt get a pic of Mickeys.

"Food, Food! FOOD!! why dont you have food?"

A little better after she got her hay, a cute pleasant expression. She is one of those horses that pins her ears until she gets what she wants, usually food LOL some people would think she could be mean, not, she is all bluff. I just love her little innocent face! She doesnt have a blanket on because she has the most protected stall and her hairfuzz, stands straight up and is about an inch and a half long, big fuzzbutt LOL And I mean that she is 14.3 and wears an 84 blanket,Not so much for the length but for the width too, I really need to measure her height again, last time I measured her she was 4.

I love how she has that white stripe on both sides of her mane.

Just gotta love the polka dot butt.... he he he he, LOL LOL. She gonna hate me for this LOL LOL
And back inside we go, everyone fed and watered and one stall that was a mess picked. LOL need to lite up those polka dots like the Christmas tree LOL LOL


  1. Those pants are nothign compared to the Leopard print TIGHT Lycra pants size 3XXL with snow boots and hot Pink Hair I saw today in the snow!
    ha ha ha

  2. Ha! Looks like Meghan did all the work while you snapped the pictures! You are my type of woman!

    Speaking of jinglebells, this video was taken last Christmas. John pulled the kids on a tobaggon (how do you spell that??) using our draft mare. If you listen closely, you can hear the jingle bells around her neck. .....Oh, and no - they didn't hit the post! Dang close! LOL!

  3. jocelyn, LOL that is funny disturbing LOL why oh why do fat chicks dress like that. now I am not the thinest person on the block and you wouldnt catch me dead in something like that LOL

    Tammy actually I cleaned the stall, but she hauled the grain buckets. she did the other stalls and fed tonight.

  4. OMG!!! I was laughing and sympathizing with you, as I read your last post!
    Why must we have a foot of snow?? There is no purpose for it at all, and I am worried that it may have killed saome of my plants.

    I had fun catching up on your blog! I love reminiscing with you. It brings back 4-H memories of my own. :)

    Now make that girl get out there and pick up manure!!! LOL!!!

  5. Thanks Melanie, I am so ready for the snow to go away, just not to quick, so we dont flood too, I think that would be more miserable in this cold, or maybe not LOL, spring please!!!!I am tired of winter.

  6. Love the Polka Pants! It's better than the one we all took when they were babies! Man you do have alot of snow! Holy Snowplow Batman! We have just enough to make MUD. yuck!
    I love the Bumble too, I should have added him somehow. Merry Christmas my friend.

  7. Hello there again!!! I live in a small town by the name of Buckley. It is one of the last stops on the way up to the Crystal Mountain ski resort.

    Washougal, eh???? I am thinking that this summer a bunch of us bloggers need to get together. There are several of us who live in BC, WA, and OR. Wouldn't that be fun????

  8. I haven't heard anyone wishing for a White Christmas lately...I think everyone's had their fair share!

    Sure wish my biggest concern of the day was a pile of hay...heehee...

  9. Yes! Melanie, it would be a blast to get together with everyone! I would love to meet in person some of the wonderful people that are blogging.

    gtyyup, ya I wish a pile of hay was my only concern too, LOL

    c and s, aw your gut is realy cute,I love that caracter, but I can not remember his name, it'll come to me, I think....... LOL ok so I will have to google it LOL


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