Ok I am
officially sick of the snow! I poked my camera out long enough to get a pic of where we measure how much snow we
received, problem is half of it has blown away!
Went out to check on the horses and was not happy, the daughter
hasnt totally cleaned the stalls in at least 2 days
grrrrrrr, so I had to dump the wheelbarrow and start cleaning, the wheelbarrow is so full that it is all but
imposable to push it so I pull it
through the snow
grrrrrr, I try to tell her that they
dont deserve this and it is a lot easier if you clean them every damn day!! "but Mom its been hard" ya I know it has been hard,
thats why I have asked you every day if you need help, s i g h....... "no, everything is good" is what I have gotten the last few days. I start to get nervous when she
doesnt want me to go out to the barn, for good reason I think.
The only thing I can do is get out there myself, try not to fall in the snow, with my disability it is
really disorienting to walk out through the snow and blowing snow, and my balance is not the best, there is about 6+ inches across the yard with 1/4 inch of ice on top, the barn is over 100yards from the house, and its snowing again, at least its not freezing rain. This is the big fight we have even when the weather
isnt bad, and it
really makes me sad that she
doesnt think they need better care. I
dont know what to do '
cept like I said get my ass out there too, its difficult for me but if I want to keep my horses I have to be able to care for them, what am I going to do when she moves out? Take care of them myself, of course. I know I am ranting, but it just makes me so mad that she, as I see it is so lazy about taking care of the horses. Its all about the
responsibility thing and
earning the right to ride in equestrian team, its just not handed on a platter, she has to earn some of it.
The hubby
doesnt help, his solution is to just get rid of the horses, that will solve everything. Not an option, unless I become so
physically disabled that I cant take care of them, then it
Will break my heart but I would find them new homes. Or maybe I could board one and not have to do all the manual labor stuff
LOL. Its also about
respecting the animals, they
dont like to have to stand in
their poop, anymore than we like to clean it up, it is a
necessary evil, if you want horses.
Also she wants to ride someone
elses horse this year for ET and I will not switch the horse
until she proves she can take care of ours, to the standards I want. We were planning on taking Mickey up to there house to be out on pasture and bringing the gelding down here. Pretty soon I am just going to tell her no, and she will have to ride one of ours, period. All I want are the stalls cleaned daily, water, and food, and grooming when needed, which I have been checking, under blankets etc.
Oh teenagers, does anyone else have this kind of problem, and how have you dealt with it? Grounding,
taking the cell phone away(is more of a pain for us while she is in school)taking things away, nothing works, so I nag and yell and get mad at her, The only thing left to do is tell her she is off of the team and no horses, but I
really do want her to enjoy it and do it... like I said I
dont know what to do. Sorry that is all of my rant, for now.......