The blur doing poles. They went clear and had an OK time, 23rd or something.
Meghan and Pat waiting to do their Team Bi-rangle event.
Wind up the horse LOL they always do a couple of circles before running the course.
Team meeting, coaches, riders, parents and all! This is inside the horse barn, the tin roof is old and has holes so when it rains things get wet, but other than that it is a nice place, they were in a brand new barn last year, but it is also the farthest from the arena.
This is the arena building from the horse barn we were in, it is the Grays Harbor County Fairgrounds. In the front is an outdoor arena, but it was soup, so the kids didnt get to use it, they warmed up under that smaller roof in the middle.
As you can see it was wet, it didnt rain except for Sunday but it didnt dry out either, it was to cold.
This is the stall barn were the horses were, we were on the left side. There is another horse barn to the right, I think there are 4 stall barns in all, just for horses! It was probably a 300yard walk from the barn to the arena.
The last pic was taken from the other side of the big puddle you see here.
Looks like a fun time! It is always good to set a new personal record. Good job Meghan and Easy!