Before I do the last meet post I have to say that it has been one year today, since my life changed forever. One year ago today I went to the hospital and found out I had a brain tumor. I am a lot more emotional today then I thought I would be. It has been a long hard year, but I am still here and will be for a long time!!!!! Being told I had a brain tumor was the last thing I expected that day, the trauma of surgery and a long long two months in the hospital trying to deal with my low blood pressure, another surgery 3 months later to fix a csf (spinal fluid)leak. Then radiation treatment for six weeks, that is a horror, I didnt have reaction at all to the radiation, just a little fatigue, it was pinpoint to my tumor area, but the mask they make you wear so you cant move during treatment, thats what was horrible. I never knew I was so claustrophobic. I also had at least 4 MRIs, did you know when they do a full head and spine that it takes 3 1/3 hours in that tube! I just have them put me under now, I cant take it anymore, then I wake up and it is all done!
I am happy to be in as good of shape as I am right now, a lot of people that have this kind of tumor, dont do so well. Other than some balance issues,my vision, and my tongue, I am doing pretty good. I have a lot of plans to ride my horse this year and enjoy her! That is one thing I have learned throughout all of this, life is to short, enjoy it do those things that you keep putting off!!! For goodness sake I am driving the F350 with the camper on it and a 4 horse trailer behind it!!! I look forward to my daughters WAHSET year, although it is her last, and her High School graduation in June, and beyond that?I dont know yet but I look forward to what comes along!
Thank you all for reading and becoming part of my new life!
2 months ago
What an aniversary! So glad that you are well and that I had the chance to "meet" you and get to know you!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to reading about all the new adventures and old that you will share with us.
Wow, I had no idea. Bless you for being so postive and just taking each day and making the most of it. Quite inspiring to me.
ReplyDeleteBest to you!
Wow... amazing story!! Good on you for living so positively in the wake of such a trauma... we have more in common than you know. One day, I will write about it. Soon.
Thank you ladies, you are all wonderful!
ReplyDeleteBB I look forward to hearing your story.