Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gardening today....or rather, harvest report!

I love these Dahlias, they are so cool. Alas the Patio tomato I planted in with it isnt doing so good.
Time to pull it up I guess, I have 4 other tomato plants so no biggy.

This is one of those other tomato plants that is doing great, this is the second tomato on it to ripen. I need to go pick it today. This tomato is about 6 inches in diameter, as was the first one.
And the Zucchini is coming on strong! LOL I planted regular Black Beauty and a yellow variety, for some color. I have been picking for over a week now. There are 5 plants LOL, I need to research how to can some Zuchs too! The weeds are doing good too LOL darn things. Green beans are coming on too, I have harvested twice on the first ones that I planted. We are going to can some when we get a lot on and picked. We can a whole bunch of green beans last year and ate them all over the winter! Yum Yum!
We finally got some rain! The news this am said we received over a 1/2 inch! I got the fields dragged to knock down the manure piles, otherwise its been way to dusty to drag. I hook up an old twin boxsprings( the old old kind with no covering on them, all metal) to the Quad and away I go, it looks much much better out in the pasture now.
Brought the mares in for their breakfast this morning, they were ready to come in and soaking wet! I should have locked Emma in until she dried, she went and rolled in the mud, now she is mud brown LOL. Had to wear rubber boots, with sweats LOL out to the barn this morning, so I could go get Easys grain pan out of the pen, which was all muddy. A nice respite from the heat and much needed moisture for the grass, and I dont have to water!! Going up to the Fair on Friday, maybe Sat. or Sun. too. I will take lots of pics up there!


  1. Wow! I've never seen a flower like that. It's stunning. It reminds me of Hawaii.

  2. NM, yeah they are one of my favorites! They are a seed Dahlia, if you want to try to find some. I pick them up at Wilco, which is like a Big R, or Tracter Supply, etc. I have seen them at nurserys.

  3. That dalia is beautiful! Do you take yours in each winter. We have to dig the tubers here and store them.


  4. DayPhoto,

    I have dug up all my Dahlias before and stored them for the winter, we usually dont get that cold and if you give them a good mulch they do ok. About every 4 or 5 years it will freeze hard enough to kill them.

  5. Oh and this particular kind of Dahlia isnt a tuber, so I havnt tried to keep them, they are seed Dahlias.


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