Monday, July 27, 2009

Macro monday, eeeewwwww a hot one!!!!

And this is not as hot as it is supposed to get! 102 Tues and 103 Wed!!!!!
NO air conditioning here!!!
I think summer is here!!!They say we havnt had a string of three days over 100 since 1981!!!


  1. Yikes!!!!!!!
    Even here in northern New Mexico we rarely ever get triple digit temps. It's only been in the 80's during the day, and down to the low 50's at night.
    Drink plenty of fluids and try to stay cool, k? When the temps get that high and there is no A/C it can be so dangerous!

    (great picture...I think! gah!)


  2. If we make it through this week it is the first time in history Kentucky has not had a 90 degree day in July. Last week I was wearing a sweatshirt! Great picture.

  3. Whimsy, Yeah you folks out east have had a bad summer!

    Lisa, The main difference when it gets so hot here from there is the humidity, it is 48% today, and dew point at 64 degrees, yeck, the sweat never dries on you! I sat outside with the sprinkler on my feet LOL. We usually dont have to worry about drought here.

  4. We got up to96 on the W/E , thats plenty hot enough!

  5. nice work for macro mondays! :)
    feww must be hot there

  6. Wow! That's a warm one, take it easy and drink lots :)

  7. Thanks for the nice comments on my blog. It's rare that we ever get fog here. Only a few times a year, during our summer monsoons can we expect to see fog, and yuo gotta get up super early (I was up at 4:30am! gah!) or else the sun burns it all off.

    Oh! And please come visit anytime. Llamas in the Mist only plays certain times of the years, but the cast is always here and loves to have company. :) where are those crazy pirate llamas? I don't want to miss that for the world. lol!



Thanks for visiting my bubblebath of life! Come back soon!