Karen over at Life at the Rough String http://jksroughstring.blogspot.com/ has an interesting tag she put out for whomever wanted to take her up on it.
This is what she called the newest blogger virus LOL
"Ok, here's the deal...answer the following 5 questions and pass on the virus to some other unsuspecting soul...ummmmm...blogger friend! Tag a few more if ya a mind to!"
And its horse related!!
1. Where did you go riding this week?
I took my daughter to ride does that count? probably not, I have to start figuring out how to take my horse when she goes, but that is not always possible. No I havnt ridden in awhile, still taking it slow, but I do plenty of the chores, and cookie spoiling he he he.
2. Your most embarrassing moment on horseback.
I would like to forget, LOL. Mickey bucked with me at a reining clinic we went to and I came off, in front of everyone, so embarrassing.
3. What is your favorite piece of tack?
My favorite is probably my Crates saddle it is so comfy, I bought it from my sisters boyfriend for $250. about 10 years ago, a steal! ( wow where does time go?) and so far has fit all of my fattys and the old mare, with no dry spots under it. The stirrups dont go short enough for Meghan though, LOL she is a midget at 5'3, Sara is 5'10 and I am 5'6. Sara took it over while she did 4-H. Next would be our Parelli rope halters, they have made a difference, I even tied some of my own, that turned out good!
4. Do you collect anything horsey?
If I collect anything horsey it would be books, I think I have a book fetish LOL. I dont decorate western or horsey, we have a timber A frame home that I decorate eclectic log cabin, I tried to do a farm theme in the kitchen but the fish keep creeping( swimming lol) in there. This is the view from the "man" chair LOL. If you look close you can see my son and daughter that are in the Air Force, in the picture frame on the right. I am so proud of them.
The cold, the wet, and the mud. Which could be a movie title around here LOL, (The Good The Bad And The Ugly) I love taking care of my girls, but as I have gotten older I have turned into quite a wimp where to cold weather comes in, oh well I will live through it, and chores tend to warm you up. Although the weather is beautiful sunny this morning! Rain on turkey day :(
OK whomever else wants to do this, have at it, and have fun, LOL.
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