Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Emma and Apples...

Emma loves loves loves her apples. She will stand under the tree and wait for apples to fall, if you are out by the apple tree she will come talk to you and beg for apples LOL silly horse.
I ran to grab my camera because I loved the light at this time of the evening. What I didnt catch was the strings of slobber that she had too LOL.

I love this mare, she is very easy to read, and can be frustrating too LOL. If you are unbalanced or she just dosent want to she will stop and refuse to go forward, we are working on that, I believe it is a respect issue. She only does it in an arena, I have never had her refuse out on the trail, well except for the first time we crossed water LOL, when the other horses went around the bend out of sight, she decided that it was probably a good idea to cross, and she just walked calmly across, little brat.

She wants so bad to be the Alpha mare, but Mickey is much more stubborn than Emma is. Mickey is very passive aggressive usually and wont bite, but they do get in some good kick fights once and awhile. It took the two of them a year and a half before Emma gave up and gives in to Mickey. Mares LOL. Easy hides behind Mickey to avoid Emma when she can LOL that old mare is always one to take the path of least resistance. Here we have the boss coming over to see if Emma is hoarding any more apples, and of course there were more, she loves her apples too.

I still havnt been able to get out on a nice trail ride, darn it.
Didnt get to go pick Huckleberries either. With Hubbys new job and shift work and no time off we just havnt been able to do a lot. Hopefully things will change, Hubby will have some well earned vacation next year.


  1. I love this post! Animals are so full of personality and wonder. People who don't have animals, or who have them but never really look at them miss so much.

    When you think of it, animals are a lot smarter than us...they know thier language and the language of other animals and they know ours!


  2. Our apple are horrible this year. They are tiny and wormy. Foxsun sometimes refuse to move when he was a very young horse. He did it when he was scared or confused about what I was asking him to do. I was glad he did that instead of bucking or something. Lovely pictures.


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