Sunday, November 14, 2010

Isnt this pathetic!!!

LOL I grabbed my camera quick and caught Emma napping in the rain! LOL I may have to go out and get her with a rowboat! LOL I didnt think it rained that much, but it must have poured overnight! Our lower field always turns into a lake when there is a lot of rain, to much for the county ditch to handle!
I love that I caught her reflection too!


  1. Hi Sis! LOL I know she has been wallowing! LOL LOL

  2. At least she's on a green island! LOL

  3. LOL Wife Yeah, there isnt any other kind around here LOL LOL green squishy, mossy, you name it, slimmey LOL LOL, and she finds the mud too! This is the lower pasture, the upper pasture doesnt hold water like this!

  4. Hmmmm. Perhaps you need to learn how to swim with your horse instead of waiting for dry weather to ride.

  5. LOL That would be a plan NuzMuz, but its only 50 degrees out!! LOL LOL

  6. Looks familiar! We have a lake in our pasture, although our pasture is all mud, with a lake in the middle. Horses are so silly standing out in that!

  7. Wow! That's a whole lotta water! Our rain either runs off too fast or gets absorbed into soil so that we never get flooded areas like that.

    Looks lik she's stranded on an island all alone. lol!


  8. Paint girl, Yeah you are only some miles north of me! I hate the wet winters! LOL

    Lisa,CCC, that isnt even half of the water that was down there! LOL It drains off pretty fast when the rain stops.

  9. She looks like she's on her own personal island - LOL!

  10. now all she needs is a big patch of mud to roll in and life will be good!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  11. Haha!
    That is amazing! She had her own private island...just about!
    Great shot!


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