Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MRI results!!!

Well it is official!!! I dont have anything in my head!!!!
LOL LOL Very happy and relieved!!!!


  1. Coming from someone who knows what those MRI results mean.....I AM SO EXCITED AND HAPPY FOR YOUR RESULTS! Congrats. This made my day! Big hugs to you!

  2. lol! I've been told the same thing a few times. Being blonde doesn't help. *wink*

    Of course, I know wht you really mean, but couldn't help tease ya a little.

    Congrats and whoohoo!


  3. I had one and they told me there was nothing there! Everyone that knows me knew I had nothing in my head!!

  4. Congratulations on the clean bill of health!

  5. great news and I know you are releaved, I had a MRI of my brain once and was glad to see I did have a brain.... :) I think people wonder if I do sometimes.

  6. Praise God, an empty head! Tee he he!
    Some of the best news ever ~

    Oh! I'm so silly to forget you were so close to the CC FAIR GROUNDS!!

    Okay, I'm going to try to go to Albany, lets meet! It will be totally hard to see the vending...I've got such a $ deficit for my new saddle...
    I really took a wild leap, ordering it w/ only with 1/2 the cash. So Sat. I'm selling as much tack as I can at a large, local sale.
    I only have about $ 7 00. If I sell it all that day.
    Maybe, I'll just stay OUT of the vending area. My goal is to see Jane Savoy! She has been very inspirational to me.

    My email is on my profile PAGE...LETS CONNECT!


Thanks for visiting my bubblebath of life! Come back soon!