Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ponies, and the garden.

Well here is my garden for this year. I planted, Walla Walla onions, tomatos, jalepenos, mini pumpkins, Blue lake pole beans, corn-peaches and cream and jubilee, and zucchini, and a mixed bag of squash. That should keep me busy! 
 Eh oh, they seen me, well two of them, lol Mickey threw her head up with a what, is going on! LOL
 "See if she will open the gate!!"  No sorry fat girls.
 My first row of corn, I think it just may be "knee high, by the 4th of July!"
 "She is not opening the gate."
 "Oh well I will just eat some more."  Thats why I am not opening the gate, she looks like a prego equipotimus!!!
 Easy "Really, your not going to open it?"
 Once they figured out I wasnt, they went back to eating.
 Old mare still looking good at 27.
 I rode Emma today too!!! Yeay  See proof, she has saddle marks, which she kindly highlighted by rolling.
 It was a pretty day today! (yeah I know she is fat too!)
 Love the tongue! And behind me, trying to figure out what I am doing....
 Silly old mare, what a look!
 She is graying. Starting to look like an old mare.
 This stupid Weeping Willow, lived in a 5 gallon bucket of water for 5+ years! I finally stuck it in the ground around 2000, I think. darn thing is 30 feet tall now!!

Emmas crazy mane, blowing in the wind, straight up!!
 Goofy girl, she was good today.
 It was difficult taking pictures, most of the time they kept their butts to the sun, hard to get around them and get decent pictures.
 My barrels, and my caveleties. I have to put them inside the bricks, or Emma just mows them over, and I have to fix them every time she goes over them. I am hoping I can get her to respect them a little more. I am having to keep the barrels over on their sides, because a darn Owl is using them for a dinner table. Leaving me bits and pieces of mice and whole garter snakes, among other things!!! Yeck!!!!
 These Daisy's are everywhere right now. Cute buy a pain. I mowed the pasture last week, will have to mow again soon.
 Strawberry Rhubarb! I really am going to make a pie. Even if Hubby says he does not like Rhubarb pie. I can eat it raw!! LOL
 Most of my Dahlias are up, the big ones are the ones from last year, the new ones are only up 6 inches.
 The first bud ready to open soon.
 Nasturtiums with a Dahlia in the middle.
 And my wind chime, I was given for my Birthday a few years ago, from the Equestrian team. ( yeah spider webs, I walked through a giant web when I stepped up onto the patio above, then did the spider dance! LOL)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Who lives in this kind of house!!!!

Hubby and I went garage saleing  last Saturday.
We were awestruck by this neighborhood, which had a "neighborhood sale" but very few houses had sales. What did it was always clothes and furniture.

And who the heck can afford a huge house that is just about the same size as the lot. Most of them 3 stories!!
Not me!!! Beautiful houses, but I wouldnt want to clean them either, oh, they can probably afford a house cleaner!

 It was a beautiful day for a drive. Man I would not want to clean this house!!

And leading up to the BIG one!!!!!
 Their own freaking castle!!!
 There are two garage doors on the right, and three! on the left side!!!
 The main entry! I had to pick my jaw up!!! he he he except I thought it needed a fountain or pond at the bottom!!! LOL
 Beautiful rock work, three!! stories!! We were wondering just how many people live here!! LOL
More humble abodes around the corner.

Just makes me shake my head. I am a country girl I guess. You couldnt give me one of these. Unless I could sell it and have the money!!! Someone in this economy is making bucks!!!
Hope you enjoyed the views!!! We didnt find a lot on this day. The weekend before we found a few goodies though.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


An Ann Taylor store that a bloger friend went to, totally discriminated and lied about her entering their store with her Guide Dog. She is blind.   Read her story here .

I wont be shopping there!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Rode the old mare.

I went out and rode the old mare today. She is so good. I put her through her paces, at a walk and a trot! LOL because the two of us are way out of shape! She did everything I asked. Sidepass, haunch turn, forehand turn, back up, and she wasnt to bad with her head, which has always been her problem.
( No these arent new pics, some from my archives. )
Sometimes I think we forget what a pleasure and older horse is to ride. This mare responds to just a calf touch. If you hit her with a heal she will jump out of her skin! She is so lite, and easy to ride.
Then there is Emma, she argues with you most of the time, and to get more precise moves, I usually put my ball spurs on. She is getting better, but then she isnt 27 either!
I said in a previous post, that Easy has her moments. Well we had one of those today too.
We worked in the pen for about a 1/2 hour and then went out to the neighbors field. That was all fine and good, no problem, until we got by the back fence and the other neighbors steer, first spooked and ran away, and then decided he wanted to make friends!!!!! I told her he was more afraid of her. I told her she chases cows, and has chased a lot of cows. No way, she was having none of this steer!!(as I was laughing at her and just trying to let her work through it) She spun in circles, she backed up, when I had her face in the direction of the steer she backed up some more. Until I finally spanked her butt! Then she was better and we continued on, with a little blowing and watching behind her! She is so funny, never out of control, just pitching a fit. Silly old mare. She was trying me, I know she was! Because she straightened up after I got after her. She knows better.

We had a good ride, didnt want to ride to hard, she had done everything I asked, and sweated up over a stupid steer!! So we went back to the barn and I let her out.

Things that Emma shies at every time, like the pile of timbers, Easy doesnt look at twice.
If any of you are into Parelli, Easy is a Right brain introvert. Who becomes a lot more extrovert the more she is worked with. Emma is a Left brain introvert with a lot of extrovert tendencies too! They are polar opposites!

I think with some conditioning the old mare will be fine for the competitive trail ride I want to do, she does love to get out. The ride is 6 miles with 1 obstacle every mile, so a lot of rests. I just want to get out and ride!!! Now to get the trailer licensed!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Peanut butter cookies!! To drown my disappointment.

This is a quick, easy, cookie.
I didnt know how they would turn out, but I was very pleasantly surprised!!!

Healthy Peanutbutter cookies

1 cup peanutbutter
1 cup sugar

combine then add,

1 tsp baking soda
1 egg

Bake at 350, for 10 min.

The recipe I copied, (found it on Pinterest) claimed only 36 calories per cookie, of course that depends on how big your cookies are! :O)
Very good, a bit crumbly  when warm, which is how I like my cookies. But not to bad when cool.
Next time I make them I am going to do 1/2 cup white sugar and 1/2 cup brown sugar, because I like the taste that the brown sugar adds. They do satisfy that craving! Dont they look great! Big and puffy!!

And drowning my disappointment in cookies, because, my Emma is still really lame after a month. I am now going to keep her in Mickeys stall for the next two weeks. That stall has the smallest outside run, and no step up into the stall. I am beginning to suspect that Emma injured herself going in and out of the stall. She throws so much mud when she comes in, that she has made the step up into her stall a 16 plus, inch, step up. I have plans to get a truckload of hog fuel or large bark to fill it in, but I have to wait until it dries out.
So my plans of riding Emma in the competitive trail competition, July 14th are on the back burner. I am now thinking if I want to ride, I am going to have to ride Easy, until Emma heals.  ((sigh)) It is her left stifle she has injured. I suspect it is a flexor muscle, because it is when she picks it up and forward, that it is hurting her.
Dont get me wrong, Easy is great! I just had my heart set on riding Emma. At 27 years old Easy can still be quite the challenge!! But she is old and getting a little arthritic, she should be in retirement! She does love to go though!
Have one more month until the ride, we will see how things go.