Dublin is such a goof, I think he plays as much upside down and right side up, LOL
Lisa over at, Laughing Orca Ranch , wanted to know how Dublin is doing. He is still his goofy self, doesnt cause problems and loves his treats!
Silly boy!
Until he notices the camera and then he is all serious, LOL LOL
Little Max, he is doing great too. He is getting bossy! He tells me now when he wants to go outside, whether it be to potty or just to go out and play!! The weather has been so much better! So he thinks he needs to go outside. I have been taking him out with my to let the horses out at mid day. Funny he isnt the least bit scared of the horses.
Max is so tiny! He is all of 10 lbs but, he seems smaller! That toy is about 12 inches long.
He is also a goofy little dude! LOL Our living room looks like a two year old lives here! With all the toys!!
Meghan gave me this planter for my birthday!!! (Yes I had a birthday this month!) LOL
It is so cute I dont want to put it outside! The poor mums though, may have to go out!
I love the horse shoe feet it has! Its head moves too! Like a bobble head! Its just too cute!!
The weather is starting to improve!!! We are getting a few dry days and maybe even over 60F,
Woo Hoo!!!